The following advice will give you different ideas on how to approach your security system. It can hard to make a big, expensive choice like this one. You can’t make the right decision if you haven’t educated yourself on the subject properly.
Home security systems have additional features to just being noise alarms. Modern systems are often capable of detecting any open door or window and announcing that fact. It’s a great feature for parents as they can tell if a child is potentially leaving the house.
Buy a safe for very valuable items in the house so you can keep them inside a single location. You would hate for your expensive jewelry, personal family belongings, etc. to be stolen in case a burglar breaks into your home. Be sure to put your safe in an out of the way place like the basement, attic or under the floorboards.
Security System
Comparison shop when you are ready to buy a home security system. Each company has different rates for their security system. Get quotes from no less than three companies before choosing the best one.
Do not post on your social media accounts regarding when you will be away on vacation. While you may want to shout it from the rooftops, you’re letting everyone know that your home will be vacant and easy to rob.
Annual check-ups are important for alarm systems. Get someone from the security firm to inspect it. Wild animals, domestic pets, and weather are all factors that can affect the reliability of your home security system. You might be unaware of problems that arise in some cases.
Install motion-sensor lights. The lights will be triggered when someone gets too close to the house. Not only will they notify you of movement, they will also deter potential burglars, as thieves want to remain as inconspicuous as possible. But keep in mind that the bulbs to the security light should be routinely changed to ensure that the deterrent system functions properly.
A wall is a great hiding place. If you own small valuables that require protection, try hiding them in the walls. Just use an unwired electric plug, light switch or phone box. A security store will sell fake plates you can install anywhere.
Don’t put your spare keys under floor mats or plants. While you may need to prepare if you have a spare key, it is wise to choose ways that do not increase the risk of a criminal gaining entrance to your home. Thieves aren’t stupid and also know common hiding spots. A better option is to entrust an honest neighbor with a spare key.
Choose an alarm which monitors other areas outside your doors. Your windows should also be protected because burglars can also break into them. If you have an alarm attached to each of your windows and doors, you can keep track of all the entry points for your home. This is great for keeping the family secure.
After bringing home a big-ticket item, such as an appliance or electronic device, avoid leaving the packages on the curb before trash day. Having these boxes around for a while will give people an idea of what is inside your house.
The wires that are on your house are very valuable. Lots of people don’t know this until their wires are stolen. A skilled intruder could remove all the copper from your home within less than an hour. Hide your wiring to secure it.
Replace rotten wood near door frames. Rotted wood can be easily removed by thieves. When you see that wood is beginning to rot, replace it with new wood for better home safety.
Check references before giving anyone access to your home. Conduct background checks if necessary. It is impossible to know if the newly hired maid or one time repairman might be a crook unless you check them out. Providing them with your key might be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made.
Consider all of your individual security needs before looking into any alarm systems. Though such systems can be terrific for many, not everyone really needs one. Sometimes you may just want to invest in a dog or self-defense classes. Understanding your needs will help you make a good purchase decision.
If you are going to be out of town for more than a day or so, have someone check your mailbox and door for mail and fliers. Burglars have been known to put these up, waiting to see if they are removed or not. Fliers that are not removed let the burglar know that the home is vacant.
The number on your house should be easy to find. If you need assistance, emergency vehicles may not locate your home in a timely manner if the numbers don’t stand out. There is a cheap and quick fix if you see an issue.
If you turn lights on and off around the same time, try using a timer. You will not have to expend as much energy taking care of the lights, but you will still be able to make sure your house is illuminated when you want it to be.
You have the knowledge you need now to make informed decisions. You should keep in mind that this is a very important issue of protecting your home and family. Use what you have learned to help make this a daily reality.
Onaolapo Adeyemi is a health enthusiast, travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks.
Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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