It’s easy to imagine a hectic, stressful home security installation process. It doesn’t have to be difficult. Keep reading to learn easy ways to secure your home.
Place the spare key that you make on your dog. This will only be ideal if you have a dog door or an outdoor dog. Attach the key to your dog’s collar, and it will be handy if you ever need a spare.
The only time you should give out house keys to house cleaners is if you absolutely trust them. When giving your house cleaner the key to your home, you need to be sure that they are reputable and honest. Ask for references and check them thoroughly. If they work for a firm, call the local Better Business Bureau to find out that firm’s reputation.
Attached Garage
Be sure you have secured your attached garage. Some people are concerned about burglars entering through an attached garage. Simply attach a C-clamp near the roller on the door track.
It doesn’t matter how much money you spent, you should have an annual test. Ask someone who works at the security company to do a maintenance check. There are any number of problems that can cause malfunctions in your security system, from weather damage to animal activity. There are always ways your home is vulnerable, even if you don’t know it.
Don’t think you’re not at risk just because you don’t live in a big city. Others think that living in the country is more risky than other areas because houses are so far apart. Still, many believe that rural environments are less frequently targeted by burglars.
Walls can be a great hiding spot. If you have small valuables you want to protect, consider hiding them inside your walls. You could use a phone jack, electrical outlet or a switch plate. Anything not used currently makes a good spot for hiding.
Lock your home at all times to err on the side of caution. It may be a little surprising, but most burglaries and break-ins happen because the intruder just walks right through an open door. Once a thief is inside, he can steal a lot of valuables in a short amount of time.
Replace rotten wood on your door frame. An intruder can simply pry away that rotted wood and enter your home. Replace any wood that has begun to rot with new wood so that your house stays safe.
Purchase flashlights that have good batteries, and keep them in every room in your home in case the power goes out. Flashlights are important for letting you navigate your home in the dark. Show your children how to use them so everyone in the family is involved.
If you’re hiring a company for home security, be sure to read any fine print before you sign that contract. There may be hidden costs to doing business with them, including early termination fees and surprising equipment costs. If you can’t avoid these types of fees, you should at least be aware of them.
Deter Crooks
Having a well-lit home that’s bight in the evening can really deter crooks. This will deter crooks from trying your home. A well-lit home is like a red flag to a burglar. Keep those lights shining brightly at night.
Think about what you need to feel safe before considering security systems. You might find that an alarm isn’t necessary at all. Some individuals are more comfortable with a canine alarm, while other people enjoy the feeling of security that a sophisticated alarm system can bring. Think about your risk factor when making a decision.
Consider a wireless home security system. While wired systems may seem cheaper, they need your home to be rewired and they can fail due to a power outage. Wireless options are easy to install, need less maintenance and are not dependent on the home’s power source.
Keeping thieves from the contents of your garage can be as simple as making sure they can’t easily look inside. Frosted windows will keep a burglar from being able to see inside. The material needed to do this can be found at home improvement stores. Also, avoid leaving the door open for prolonged periods of time.
Break down the boxes from your new TV or computer rather than leaving them on the side of the road. This will just alert criminals to the fact that you have expensive items in your home. You should cut up the boxes once you empty them.
Can someone standing in the middle of the street see clearly your house numbers? In the event of an emergency, police officers may have trouble finding your house if they cannot read your address numbers. Fortunately, it doesn’t require much to fix this problem.
If there are parts of your home you want no one else to enter, there is no need to lock doors or have a set of keys on you at all times. You can instead get key-less locks that work using a code. You can either install these locks by yourself, or have them professionally installed if you are not that handy yourself.
If your door has a numeric keypad, don’t use your birthday as the password. Anyone could get your date of birth from Facebook and could have access into your house. You should choose a number no one else will be able to guess and change it regularly.
There are many ways to make your home safer, both with and without home security systems. Other options include purchasing a gun, installing a fence or extra locks on your doors. Do not forget this advice in order to increase security in your home.
Onaolapo Adeyemi is a health enthusiast, travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks.
Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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