Are you thinking about buying a security system for your home? Lots of people do so without taking the time to determine whether or not one is really necessary. The tips below will help you make the decision.
If you have an extensive online presence that includes a lot of people you don’t know too well, avoid announcing upcoming vacations. If you do, burglars will know you’re not home and strike.
Turn the ringer off on your telephone if you are going to be away. A burglar might hear your phone ring and ring and ring, then realize that you are not home to answer it.
Never open the door for a stranger. People you do not know could have bad intentions or want to get an idea of how many valuable objects you own. Keep a hard, fast rule that says you only open the door for invited guests in order to keep your family safe.
Consider changing your locks as a part of your home security program. Perhaps you aren’t sure who owned the home before you or maybe an old roommate has a key and never returned it. Regardless, changing the locks will ensure your security. Changing the locks can typically be done very cheaply and quickly.
Always go with your gut when it comes to choosing a security firm. This is especially important when it comes to the company employees who will be installing your system. There is nothing wrong with asking for a different technician if you’re uneasy. After all, the point of the system itself is to help you feel more at ease.
Replace all the locks in your newly purchased home. Even though the person who sold your home to you may seem honest, you simply can’t know for certain. Keep in mind that other families might have lived with them, too.
When you hire a security firm, be certain to review all contracts carefully. You need to find out about hidden costs, such as cancellation fees in case you want to cancel your contract before it expires. You’ll want to avoid any surprises so be sure and read your contract carefully.
Keeping your home very bright during the night hours is an excellent way to prevent thieves. They want to avoid being seen. When your house is well lit, intruders have no place to hide. This makes it hard for them to get things from you. At night, keep your lights turned on to boost security.
Have home-security companies come to your home so they can design the best possible system for it. You need some features which other families may wish to do without. If you have found a company that could cater to your needs, then it is easy to get the security that will make you and your loved ones comfortable.
Consider all of your individual security needs before looking into any alarm systems. You might find that an alarm isn’t necessary at all. In some neighborhoods, you might be better off taking a self defense class or owning a dog, while in others, the latest innovations in home security will protect you best. Understanding your neighborhood, risks and budget constraints can help you to make the best choices.
If you will be away from your home, arrange to have whoever is collecting your mail to also pick up fliers placed inside your door. Sometimes burglars leave fliers in an attempt to see if anyone is home to remove them. Fliers that are not removed let the burglar know that the home is vacant.
Spring Latch
Don’t have spring latch locks installed. These locks are very easy to pick with something as common as a credit card. Intruders can pick these locks by wedging a credit card in between the latch and the door. Add a deadbolt if you do not want to replace your spring latch locks.
Put the shades down on your windows when you are out. Leaving the curtains up invites people to peer into your living room. If a burglar sees something that is enticing, they are going to try and get it from your home. Your window dressing should also be closed while you sleep.
Hard-wired home security systems can help you to cut down on costs. Wireless set-ups need battery changes all the time. Neglecting this maintenance can cause faults in your security system and leave you improperly protected. It can also be very costly to replace many different batteries.
Using a timer is a great way to make it seem as if you are home when you are on vacation. This can simplify your life, but it also makes your home appear lived in if you are away.
If the living room window in your home has direct line of sight to the street, you’ll want to draw those curtains at night. You don’t want to attract peeping Toms. If potential thieves see valuable items inside your house, they may target your house. Keep your possessions out of the public eye to minimize your chances of becoming a burglary victim.
It is always best to go with a solid heavy wooden door, or a metal door for extra security. These doors are strong. If a burglar were to try and kick his way inside, he would have a lot of difficulty doing so. Replacing doors is not very expensive and should make a real difference.
Most people try to avoid the neighborhood gossip, but you should try to get them in your good graces. The nosy neighbor may not make for good company, but he or she is likely to notice suspicious individuals near your house. As a friend, they will be sure to notify you.
Deadbolts are your best locks since they have what is called captive keylocks. Deadbolts have thumb latches that prevent people from reaching around them to open it. When you’re at home, you can leave your key in the keyhole so you’re able to leave in the event of an emergency.
Home security systems are often the best choice for some families. The case might be that you need to change the way things are done around your house. You must know your options to see what is best for you.
Onaolapo Adeyemi is a health enthusiast, travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks.
Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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