Your home should be a safe place for you and your family. Your home needs to be safe for when everyone returns. This article can give you the information you need to make sure your home is secure.
Create the illusion that your home is constantly occupied. You could purchase timers which make lights and TV’s, as well as other devices, power on or off at varying intervals. This way, it will appear that you are at home. This should help you make your home safer and not attract the attention of potential intruders.
Spare Key
Put your spare key on your dog. But, this is only effective if your home has a pet door or your dog stays outdoors when you are not home. Simply affix a spare key to the collar of the animal. You’ll always have a backup plan if you lose your key!
After getting a new home, make sure to change its locks. You don’t know the exact number of copies of that key the previous owners have or have handed out. You want to be sure that you’re the only one with a key. In addition, replace your locks if your keys ever get lost.
Buy fire resistant flooring, roofing and ceiling. This ensures your home won’t be a tinderbox. Preventing a fire hazard is one of the safest precautions that you can take due to the level of destruction that it can cause.
If you have an attached garage, make sure it is secure. There is a way to stop thieves from entering your home from the garage. Using a C-clamp on the garage door will prevent it from opening by staying on the door’s track.
Make sure to have your home inspection system maintained on at least an annual basis. Ask someone from your security company to come over and have a look. There are many things that can be problematic with regards to home security systems, like wayward wild animals and the environment. You might not even discover these problems if they aren’t easily sighted.
Even if you only plan to be gone for a very short time, lock your house. This is often a surprise, but the majority of burglaries are due to someone just waltzing right into an unlocked home. It doesn’t take long for a thief to steal thousands of dollars worth of stuff.
Don’t just consider alarming your doors when you’re considering an alarm system. Burglars can gain entry through your windows as well. You want a security system that monitors all your windows and doors. This is vital to keeping your family safe.
Security System
When installing your home security system, make sure to hide the wires. An intruder can easily disable your security system by cutting the wires. Make it hard for a burglar to avoid your detection. It will keep your family safer.
If you are moving in your new home, ensure all the old locks are replaced. You really don’t know much about the people who sold you the home, regardless of how competent they may seem. People may have lived in the home before those owners, too.
Replace rotted wood around any door frames. If a person wants to enter your home, rotted wood can easily be pried away. Replace dead wood with thick, firm pieces to maintain a high level of security.
Unless you’re moving into a brand-new apartment or home, changing the locks should be one of your top priorities. Even if the tenants turned their keys in, they may have made copies. It is possible to purchase and put in locks on your own so you can be assured you have the only keys.
You now have expert advice at your disposal. Will you be able to apply it to your own situation? Keep reading to learn about how to protect your home and the people you love.
Onaolapo Adeyemi is a health enthusiast, travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks.
Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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