You never know who might know you have valuable items in your home. Guard against burglaries by bolstering your security strategy. To learn more about home security, read on.
When you buy a new house, be sure the locks are changed. You have no way of knowing how many folks might have keys to your house. To ensure that you are the only one who has access to your house, call a locksmith. When you lose your keys, have your locks rekeyed.
Security System
When looking to purchase a good home security system, it is best that you look at many companies. Prices can differ a lot among companies for the same type of protection. Get at least 3 quotes from security system companies and compare features and services as well as monthly costs.
If you want to have a spare key close to your house in order to prevent lockouts, make sure you give its hiding place some careful thought. Placing a key above a door or under a doormat is quite obvious! An example would be to attach a key to your dog’s collar, if he stays outdoors.
Don’t use social media to announce that you will be gone for an extended period of time. Though trips are always fun to talk about, you may be doing little more than telling burglars the best times to visit your house.
Police Department
Contact the local police department to find out more about the protection programs they offer. There are many that offer programs that include items, such as home inspection, how to use engraving tools to mark code numbers to identify valuables if yours are stolen, and protective measures advice. Your police department will be able to help you find out what is available in your town.
No matter how good your security system is, it should be checked annually. Get a professional in to check it out. A number of factors can cause problems with your security system, including wild animals and mother nature. If you aren’t paying attention, you may not be aware of these problems.
You need to change our locks as your first step to ensuring your safety. Perhaps you aren’t sure who owned the home before you or maybe an old roommate has a key and never returned it. Regardless, changing the locks will ensure your security. This is a very easy process that you can complete within a day.
Your home may be equipped with skylights, and if so you must not neglect them in your security planning. Although a skylight can bring light into one’s home and look good, it’s also a common entrance way for burglars. Be sure that the skylights for your home are durable and reliable.
If your home security system is installed, be sure its wires are well-hidden. One of the ways an intruder can get around a security system is by disconnecting or cutting the wires. This makes it much easier for a thief to get inside your home. Keep the wires protected. This can make you safer.
If your door is set in a rotted frame, you must replace the frame. A burglar can easily strip away wood that has rotted. As a result, this will assist them in breaking into your home. Replace the rotting door frame with a new one and keep your home much safer.
Taking steps to improve your home’s security is a much better plan than optimistically hoping it’ll never attract criminal attention. Avoid becoming paralyzed by fear, but don’t hesitate to make the prudent preparations. Read through this article as often as necessary so that you are well versed in the basics of home security.
Onaolapo Adeyemi is a health enthusiast, travel and technology writer. If he’s not on tour, you’ll find him in New York with his wife, and pet parrot hanging out at Starbucks.
Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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